Monday, August 1, 2016

Hello 2016-17 Biology Students

Welcome 2016-17 Biology Students! 

What is Biology?  Bio is a prefix meaning 'Life' and ology is a suffix meaning 'study of', therefore Biology is the study of life.  There are many branches of Biology and we will touch on many of them. I created this blog in order to help you learn the material we will cover this year, but I also hope that you will find additional information on the areas you find interesting. 

On the Info Page, you will find links to the student letter, the syllabus, and other information that will be useful through out the year.

On each module page, you will find links to various kinds of worksheets from each module, interesting links to youtube videos or other sites that might prove helpful in explaining various concepts that we are studying.

The following link is from your textbook and is used for Exp. 1.1. It can be printed or saved and used for Exp. 1.1.

 Biological Key for Exp 1.1 from Apologia Textbook Biological Key for Homework Assignment

Try using this interactive key to identify the Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, and maybe even family for the organism pictured  below.  Good Luck!  Interactive Classification Key  Additional pictures of this critter are on a previous post (Welcome 2015-16).

What is it?

Friday, April 8, 2016

Flowering Plants

Only 5 weeks left of Biology class. This week we will be exploring the life cycle of Angiosperms (flowering plants).  I have updated the Mod 15 page to include diagrams about the life cycle of these plants.  Check back next week to find information about our next dissection.  It's going to be fun!

African Violets.

I received my first African Violet plant from a special Aunt while living in St. Louis.  I set the plant on my window sill at work and was able to grow new plants by placing a leaf in water to generate a new plant. Sadly, none of these plants survived our next few moves.

Recently, I was given this African Violet and the blooms are beautiful. It's amazing because I always forget to give it water! And every time I look at it, I remember my Aunt, and all the good times we've had with extended family.  A degree in Biology may not be for everybody but it is the study of living organisms. And what a great way to be reminded that as part of God's creation, we are rooted in our heritage even though we may be planted miles apart. We will bloom where we are planted and pass on that heritage to future generations.

Great flower to observe the Carpel and the Stamen!