Reptiles, Birds, & Mammals

Module 16 Reptiles, Birds, and Mammals

Interesting Apologia Sites:
How Snakes Work
Different Types of Circulatory Systems Good info here.    
Dinosaurs and the Bible
Dinosaurs and Humans
Dinosaurs and Human footprints
Bird Feathers
Bird Anatomy

Other Interesting Sites:
Fetal pig dissection
Fetal Pig Dissection Pictures
Fetal Pig Dissection Instructions 1
Fetal Pig Dissection Instructions 2
Interactive online Fetal Pig Dissection Neat interactive site.  Label organs in a dissected pig.
Dissected images - click on organs to view names. - great review for lab practical
Fetal Pig Lab Quiz Print out this lab sheet to take quiz.
Superficial muscles

Summary Module 16 Summary
     PLEASE NOTE:  Please turn in via google docs if you are not going to write it out. To do so, follow these instructions:
Under file, click on save a copy, title it with your name and assignment (Joe mod 4 summary).   Type in the answers and make sure they are underlined - you will have to use the tools at the top to do so. When you are finished, share with me (  Thank you!!

Study Guide Module 16 Study Guide
Pericardium cut away from heart

Left subclavian vein & left subclavian artery

Right common carotid artery &
Right internal jugular vein
Thymus and Larynx
Larynx, Thyroid, &
Sternothyroid muscle


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