
Student Letter & Course Information  2016-17 Student Letter

Syllabus 2016-17 Biology Syllabus

Apologia Book Extras   Apologia Book Extras

password:  See the front of your textbook please.

Formal Lab Report Sample Formal Lab Report

Lab Write Up Sample Lab Write Up Sample

Simple outline sample

PLEASE NOTE:  For all Study Guides & Summary Assignments, please turn in via google docs.
Follow these instructions:
1. Under file, click on save a copy & title it with your name and assignment (Joe mod 4 summary).
2. Type in the answers and make sure they are underlined - you will have to use the tools at the top to do so.  If you choose to change the color of the font for your answers, choose a dark, obvious color change. NO Yellow.
3.  When you are finished, share with me (  Thank you!!


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