Plant Anatomy & Classification

Module 14 Kingdom Plantae: Anatomy and Classification
Interesting Apologia Sites:
Woody Plant ID Lab
Herbaceous Plant Lab
Peanut Plant info here
Plant Tissue
Leaf Shapes and Arrangements
Various Botany images and pictures
Cytoplasmic streaming - good video but it is a youtube video so sometimes other images or videos pop up.
Why leaves change color.
Plant Root info - neat page and good info
Monocot Root Microscope image
Root Types - good info - tap root vs fibrous root system
Cork Microscope image
Science of Tree Rings
Life Cycle of Moss  animation of the cycle!
Life Cycle of Ferns
Phylum Magnoliophyta

Other Interesting Sites:
Plant structure - leaves
Internal Leaf structure
Leaf anatomy worksheet - Print and complete
Kingdom Plantae Classification
Woody Tissue - interactive site
Woody Stem
moss life cycle image

Slide presentation from class

Summary Module 14 Summary
Study Guide Module 14 Study Guide
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